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About Us is a web aggregator founded on the principles of trust, honesty, and competence. At, we believe that our homes are the heartbeat of our lives and when it comes to finding a home, what’s outside the front door is just as important as what’s behind it. That’s why we go beyond the typical listings, by sourcing insights straight from locals, to give people a deeper understanding of what living in a home and neighbourhood is really like. We help them discover a place where they will love to live and where they will feel more connected to the community and to each other. It’s why we strive every day to help build a more neighbourly world. is based in India and is owned and operated by Propertieso Private Limited.


Real Estate Consulting

Legal Consultance

After Sales Assistance

Those days are now gone when purchasing a
home used to be a very arduoud task and
buyers had to run from pillar to post to get
everything in place. With our one-stop
solutions for all your realty needs, we can
assist you throughout the ownership cycle,
from searching the property to identifying the
best-fit deal and the final closure of the

Propertieso are not limited to supporting
purchase/selling transactions in the realestate domain. We walk with our clients all
the way, assisting them with all the aspects
that go on in any real-estate deal. We have
experts onboard who provide support on
legal matters pertaining to any property that
the customer is keen to invest in.

Our services do not stop once the deal is
closed. We are commited to assisting our
customres in every possible way. We have
been pushing the realms of client servicing in
Indian realty through our dedicated CRM
team that continues to help our clients with
all their documentations need during the
post-transactional phases.

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